Sunday, September 27, 2015

Having a Ball!

Trooper's favorite game is "fetch" and his favorite toys are his rubber balls. His favorite one right now is his little black and white ball. Come to think of it, that's the only ball I've seen on the boat lately. 

Living on Bangarang limits Trooper's exercise so Kent and I try to play catch with him on the boat at least once a day. He is great at fetching and runs all over the salon chasing his ball. 

Yesterday, however, something possessed him to take the ball outside to the stern and drop it on the back stairs, watching it bounce down into the water! It looked pretty deliberate! (Now we know what happened to all the other balls!) 

Most normal people would say "too bad" or "so long" or "thank God," but Kent jumped in our dinghy and went after it. The sun was shining brightly and I lost track of it in the water. The strong current moves quickly here in the harbor, and I thought the ball was gone. But Kent came to the rescue and snagged the ball out of the water. 

Trooper is one spoiled boat dog!

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