Saturday, September 19, 2015

Feeling a Tiny Bit Crabby?

Our walk along the beach yesterday turned out to be particularly special.

At the end of the afternoon, Kent and I took Trooper over to Disappearing Island for a walk. When the tide is high, the island "disappears" underwater, but it was very low tide and the island's beach was very recently exposed. We had cloudy skies but nice weather, perfect for walking along the beach.

Bangarang at anchor as we took our dinghy across to the island

Very low tide--lots of beach recently uncovered

Trooper's tracks in the soft pillowy sand

Yuk, a jellyfish. I'm not sure if it's dead or alive!
Not bothering it. I think they can sting.

Bird tracks
 And here is the best part of our outing....

Literally thousands of tiny land crabs everywhere!

It looked like they had come out to sun themselves.

It was hard to get close-up photos because they would scurry away from us very quickly. We were surprised how fast they were!

Trooper had fun rounding them up and herding them into the grasses. 

Look carefully and you will see tons of them. 

They were each about the size of a nickel.

Scurrying around to get away

Trooper was curious but wouldn't get too close.

Tiny baby land crabs

Tiny with a big dominant claw, just like the big crabs

Unbelievably, there were so many of them that you could hear them all crawling on the sand!

Trooper herding, herding...

I love the texture in the sand after the tide goes out

Taking up the dinghy anchor and heading back to Bangarang

Once the tide rises again, this area of the beach
will be entirely covered in water again.

As usual, Banagarang with dark skies behind her.

Going back to Bangarang after our land crab adventure 

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