Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Fish Story from Cape Canaveral

On the way to Cape Canaveral, Kent set out his handline, loaded with a "skirted jet" artificial lure, which produces a stream of bubbles at the surface. The weather was sunny and we were cruising at about 7.5 knots. Ten minutes later, he got a bite. A 5 pound Little Tunny, or Bonita, a small tuna. Dinner!

After filleting the fish, placing it on ice, and cleaning up the mess, Kent reloaded his line with the same lure and threw the handline out again off our stern. No more than 5 minutes passed before he got another bite. Another 5 pound Bonita! 

We had grilled tuna for dinner. More than we could eat. Even Trooper got some in his bowl. A beautiful evening at sunset and supper by candlelight. 

Here are some pics...

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