Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Happy Feet or, Is the Doctor Fish In?

My friends, Pam and Lance, and I took the bus to Red Hook, at the east end of St Thomas this afternoon. Our destination was the ship chandlery to pick up a water pump pressure switch Kent needs for our boat. But Pam and I got sidetracked when we saw this sign...

Fish Spa? What's that? We peeked in...

We saw all these aquarium-like tanks filled with little fish swimming around.

The owner greeted us and explained that you put your feet in the tank and the little fish give your feet a lovely spa treatment. The fish are called Garra Rufa fish, also known as Doctor Fish or nibble fish. They are found in river basins in the Northern and Central Middle East, mainly Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. These particular fish, he said, were from Turkey. Although they are toothless, he explained, they "nibble" at your feet, gently sucking on dry and dead skin, looking for food. They sample the dead skin on your feet, especially callouses, and when they figure out it's not food, they spit it out.

Hmmmmm, we thought to ourselves.

He went on to say that, in the meantime, your rough feet are transformed into soft, baby-like feet. And our feet will feel refreshed and healthy. Noooo, we said. Yes, he said. How much? we asked. Only $25 for 15 minutes and $40 for 30 minutes, he said.

Pam and I looked at each and signed up for 15 minutes.  

First, the owner washed my feet and calves with soapy water and rinsed. Any cream or sunscreen residue contaminates the water and is bad for the fish, he told me. The wash and mini-massage felt great. Then he placed the blue hospital booties on my feet. 

My feet feel better already!
My friend Pam, waiting for her foot wash.
I'm all bootied up...
As I moved to the fish tanks, I looked up and saw this painting on the wall. I was not convinced that this was going to be a pleasant experience.

Next, sitting at a fish tanks, the booties came off and I carefully dipped my feet in. The owner told me to keep my feet away from the bubbler at the left. He also told me not to knock my feet together or I might kill a fish. Heavens!

The  Doctor Fish swarm my feet and begin nibbling.
The blue you see in the picture is the reflection
 of blue marbles scattered in the tank.
Still nibbling 15 minutes later...
How did it feel? Divine! It felt just like Pop Rocks or strong bubbles on your feet. Didn't hurt at all!

The 15 minute timer went off, and Pam and I decided we'd go for the full half hour!

Pam's liking this treatment too! 
After a relaxing half hour, the owner removed my booties and dried my feet.

And...ta-da!  My feet were as smooth and soft as a baby's bottom. And so clean!

So, 30 minutes...
And $40 later...
After a little research on the Internet afterwards, I discovered that this treatment is not legal in most United States. Apparently, there is a low risk of infection and concern for health and safety reasons, especially for people with weakened immune systems. A variety of health claims are made for fish spa therapy: improved blood flow and circulation, bacterial removal and reduced foot odor, relief from athlete's foot, to name a few. All I know is that my feet felt clean, smooth, and healthy afterwards.    

 Yup, I'm definitely going to have to do this again soon!

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