Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Baths at Virgin Gorda - British Virgin Islands

Made it to the BVIs! The passage between Marigot, St Martin and Virgin Gorda is about 70 miles. We left Marigot in the morning but did not leave ourselves enough time to arrive in Virgin Gorda before nightfall. Generally, we've experienced rough seas and 25 knot winds each time we cross from one island to another, and this passage was no exception. It was also the one Kent was concerned about because it had the most open water since we started our journey in Martinique. In any case, our crossing was successful, especially with our friend Rich's help on deck and spotting Kent at the helm.

The only downside was coming into the British Virgin Islands past sundown. If there's one thing I don't like, it's having to anchor in the dark. The moonlight saved us. The upside is how surprising and beautiful it is when you wake up in the morning and look around you for the first time in the light! We anchored at Spanish Town to check in at Customs but easily motored to the Baths, just a few minutes south.

Virgin Gorda is about 10 miles long and the peaks over 1000 feet are designated as National Parks land to preserve the natural beauty. There is a white sandy beach, snorkeling, and trails for hiking. We rewarded ourselves with a day off at The Baths, a natural and stunning collection of slowly eroded rocks and grottos at the south end of the island. No motors are allowed in the buoyed area protecting swimmers and snorkelers. Tying up in an area designated for dinghys, we found ourselves in water over our heads and had to swim to shore. Luckily, wallets and phones were securely wrapped in plastic. I decided to worry about how I was going to get back in the dinghy later!

We took the marked trail through the rock formations and pools, squeezing through narrow pathways between the huge boulders, up and down ladders, and in and out of cool, turquoise pools. After exploring the Baths, we took an easy hike up to the top of the peak and ate lunch at the restaurant there. Guests are welcome in their bathing suits and invited to swim in the swimming pool next to the dining area. A bit strange for a restaurant, but I enjoyed the dip after the hike.

Our biggest challenge at the end of the day, at least for me, was getting back into the dinghy to return to our boat. We had to swim back to the dinghy and hoist ourselves into the boat without a ladder. Kent and Rich had no problem with this, but it was difficult for me to hoist myself out of the deep water with no foothold or ladder. It didn't help that I couldn't stop laughing. But, where there's a will, there's a way!

Our next destination will be Norman Island, still in the British Virgin Islands.

Here a several pictures of our day at the Baths. It was kind of cloudy but beautiful nonetheless.

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