Sunday, March 22, 2015

Crown Bay, St Thomas - 650 Miles

We sailed from Norman Island in the British Virgin Islands into Crown Bay, St Thomas, in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Crown Bay is located on the south side of the island, on the west side of the capital, Charlotte Amalie.

We have sailed about 650 miles since leaving Le Marin, Martinique! We've learned so much about our boat, what it needs, what's important and what's not. It's already been quite a journey and we have many more miles to go.

We treated ourselves to a dock space for the convenience of electric and water hookup and a close market for provisioning. However, we discovered that because our boat was made in Europe (France), the electric is 220 volts AC and the U.S. is 110 volts. So, no electric. Luckily, we have a generator, right? Well, we do, but our generator needs a minor repair, so no electric. Aarrggghhh. (Replacement parts are on order as I'm writing.) Ultimately, we'll need to make a decision regarding converting our boat to 110. It's more convenient to covert to 110 if we don't return south of the British Virgin Islands, but more complicated and costly. To be determined later. 

No electric, so no washing machine. We splurged and dropped our laundry at the marina laundromat. $1.89 per pound. Ouch! But it was worth it.

This a great marina with lots of other services available as well. There's a full-service dog store where Trooper had his teeth brushed and got a new, safer life jacket. There's a hair salon where I may have my hair cut and nails done, and they cut mens' hair too. There's a mail store that offers business services, computers to use, and where we paid a small fee for a mailbox and address if we need packages sent here. There's a ship chandlery that sells a lot of boat parts. An AT&T store, a restaurant, a coffee/ice cream gazebo, and a gourmet grocery store also line the marina perimeter. An ATM is close by. A local and less expensive grocery store and an Ace Hardware are just down the street. What more could you want? A

We are so grateful for Rich's company and help on our journey between Guadaloupe and St Thomas, and we're sorry he had to leave for home the next day. Thank you Rich!

The same day Rich departed, our friends Walter and Karen arrived that afternoon, for some downtime around St Thomas and St John. We haven't decided where we'll go next during their visit.

Cruise ships make 2-day stops here in Crown Bay next to our marina. It's kind of a thrill to watch these giant ships maneuver gracefully in and out of the dock. The view from our dock space...note our unusable yellow electrical cable...

Kent and I had a chance to walk around the cruise ship dock in search of the ATM there. The ships really are huge!

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