Sunday, March 22, 2015

Honeymoon Bay, Water Island - A Favorite Spot

The  next day, we decided to sail west and head for Magens Bay on the north side of St Thomas. Kent and I had visited the gorgeous beach there many years ago when the kids were small, and we wanted to show Karen and Walter what some consider the most beautiful beach in St Thomas. However, the seas were rough with high wind, and the sail was uncomfortable. So, we turned around and sailed to Honeymoon Bay on Water Island instead.

Water Island is a short hop south of Crown Bay. There are some inns and maybe 130 residences on the island, many of which are rentals. Most of the boats moored in Honeymoon Bay are owned by the island's residents, but we were able to find a good spot. There is a lovely beach, clear, turquoise water, a couple of restaurant/bars, some hiking trails, and that's pretty much it. There is live music in the bar a couple nights a week. (We skipped the karaoke night.) A ferry runs hourly from Crown Bay. On days when the chartered party boats visit, it gets a little more crowded, but it's very quiet by the end of the day.

Honeymoon Bay is without a doubt one of our favorite spots to anchor, and we actually returned to this anchorage again after Karen and Walter left for home. That's why we have so many pictures.

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