Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Our Boat's Name

We've named our boat "Bangarang."  It's what the Lost Boys in the movie Hook shouted during their imaginary food fight. It's also a Jamaican expression for "have a good time" or "jump up." And we are in the Caribbean after all. We love the Hook movie and liked the celebration aspect of "Bangarang." 

We haven't placed the new name physically on the boat yet. The seller registered it in France and part of the closing included a transfer of registration. Until we get that transfer paper, which should be within the next two weeks, we can't reregister it. Once we have our US federal registration, we can legally place the name on the boat (actually, it's a requirement.)

Some people believe it's bad luck to rename a boat; others believe that you should always rename a boat to make it yours. Once we rename ours, we'll have a christening celebration. Bangarang!

1 comment:

  1. Nice work on the name and glad to see you guys are posting so often. Keep it up! Need something to sustain me during conference calls when there are no new boat ads on Craigslist! More pictures!
