Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Still in Martinique While We Wait...

We are still in Martinique waiting on the French government to release our boat's registration so we may register in the U.S. While we are not happy about how long the French take to complete what would seem to be some simple paperwork, Kent and I continue to explore and enjoy the island. We've rented a car a couple of times to visit the drier Atlantic side of the island  where the water is much rougher and St. Pierre in the north,  the old capital city where 30,000 people were killed by the (still active) volcano in 1902. We also visited a couple of rum distilleries. There are 15 rum distilleries and the rum is made from the abundant local sugar cane. The rum is delicious and is tempting me to switch from my favorite Cosmopolitan to the island's famous Ti Punch or perhaps a fresh Pineapple Ginger Martini. I'm working on my recipes!

We are really enjoying our neighborhood Marche Couvert (covered market) where the locals come to sell fruits and vegetables, crafts and island clothing. They also sell spices and this delicious chocolate that comes in a cylinder shape. I think it comes from the chocolate plantations in St Lucia, the island south of us. It's excellent grated into coffee in the morning. There is often a man slicing coconuts while you wait for fresh coconut juice by the bottle. The market is so colorful, as you can see in the pics below, and we walk over to see what is offered even if we don't need anything.

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