Sunday, July 12, 2015

Part 3 - Sailing the Bahamas - The West End

From Water Cay, Kent and I sailed to Old Bahama Marina at the west end of Grand Bahama Island. It was a 73-mile sail so we had our sails up by 8:30 a.m. The winds were 10 to 12 knots in the morning but climbed steadily to 20 to 25 gusty knots in the afternoon. As a storm system grew near, we reefed our sails. Unfortunately, the reef line got wrapped around the boom and we had to partially drop the sail in moderately rough seas to untangle it. But we managed to fix it and made it safely to the West End, anchoring outside the breakwall since the marina was full. Drats! It was 6 p.m. and after a long day, we were too tired to eat supper. We made sure we had a reservation at the marina in the harbor for the next evening.

Lots of commercial traffic as we passed Freeport on Grand Bahama Island

The next day, we pulled up our anchor and motored into Old Bahama Marina. The marina is attached to a lovely resort and marina guests are invited to enjoy the swimming pool, restaurant, and a bar. We really liked our stay there and took advantage of all the amenities. It as a great way to rest up and prepare for our next crossing from the Bahamas to Florida.

Trooper and the Captain
Dining on the beach

We took a long soak in the pool

Sunset off our stern at the dock in the marina

Our shell collection

Next day, we cross to Florida!

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