Tuesday, December 23, 2014

We're in Ship-Shape!

It's almost two weeks since our last post and yet the time has flown by. Our days have been filled with sorting through equipment, learning about all the systems, i.e., water maker, electric, washing machine, generator, etc., and cleaning. Even the wood walls have been washed and waxed. We found that the best way to get to know your boat is to clean every nook and cranny! Kent also replaced several ceiling lights, installed new faucets in three bathrooms and kitchen, and hung new hooks. We've been so busy. Now the boat is looking shiny and spotless.

On Saturday, we went for our first sail. Very exciting! We motored out of the harbor in Le Marin and set sail. Martinique is a beautiful island surrounded by turquoise waters. Wind started out at 10-12 knots then we caught the edge of a storm system and winds went to 20-25 knots with rain. Our top speed was 10.8 knots! And of course, the rain stopped after ten minutes and the sun came out. Love the rain in the tropics! It was a great first sail and we got to test out anchoring as well.. 

It is very strange to be away from family and friends at Christmas. Martinique does not have many decorations other than lights and a few lit trees. I'm not sure if we've seen any Santas or the usual more commercial decorations we see in the US. However, the Christmas spirit abounds here nonetheless. We plan to attend Christmas Eve services at a local church not far from the harbor. It is a very old Catholic church built in the late 1700's and we hear its bells daily. On Sunday nights, we can hear a church choir from the harbor. We will likely be the only non-French-speaking Presbyterians in the pews!

We are so looking forward to our first visitors! Friends are coming on the 27th for a week. After introducing them to Martinique, we plan to sail south to the island of St. Lucia, about 28 miles south. My son and his wife recently spent their honeymoon there and encouraged us to go there. On a cloudless day, we can see the island from Martinique and it should be a lovely 3-4 hour sail.

We've seen two big rainbows since we got here. I'm not usually superstitious but I take them as a sign of luck as we embark on our new life adventure. We have so much to be thankful for this Christmas season. Wishing all our friends and family a very merry Christmas and happy new year! We miss you!

P.S. We are still struggling to get good, consistent wifi here. Aaarrrggghhh!

1 comment:

  1. It is so awesome to hear about your adventures!!! Merry Christmas to you both!
