Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Admiral Trooper

Trooper is running around the boat like he's the admiral. He's made himself comfortable inside and on the deck, and he enjoys riding in the dinghy. He's afraid of the trampoline on the bow, however. I guess he doesn't like seeing water below and his paws are too little.  He's also skittish about the stairs down to the berths because they're a little slippery for him. We'd also like to train him to "do his thing" on the boat and we've read several blogs about how to do this with a small pad on the bow. We have a mat on the bow just for him and I'll skip the details about how we scented it to get him to use it. But so far, Trooper is NOT cooperating. Sniff, sniff, but no action. So we dinghy him to shore twice a day. Now that we're more settled on the boat, we can work on training. If anyone has had success with this, we welcome your suggestions!

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